How can we help?
Our careers are as individual as we are. They are defined by our interests, our passions, our strengths, our needs and our preferences as much as they are shaped by our dislikes and our weaknesses.
For some of us, our work is a purposeful career - a calling - driven by our passions. For others, it's about what we are good at, or what we have 'fallen into,' or it might be about what has come easily to us. The labour market also plays an integral role in our career opportunities as the needs of business are always going to impact the career opportunities for the individual.
The approach to helping you with your career needs to be tailored to suit the unique nature of your career, your goals and your preferences.
This is where Impressability stands out.
Our Career Services:
Cover Letter
Criteria Responses
Career Counselling & Coaching
Is professional career support worth it?
Well obviously, we think so! Career coaching and counselling has its own benefits related to unpacking skills, working through work stress, resolving conflict and setting goals. Working with a professional career counsellor and coach can be incredibly valuable to help individuals navigate their careers.
Engaging professional career support for the development of career related documents such as résumés, cover letters, and selection criteria responses should be an empowering experience.

Are you confused about whether professional career support could help you? Why not take advantage of the free 15 minute phone call to find out?
It's not just about listing the duties that someone undertakes when they are in a similar role to you - it's about being able to embody your unique approach to your work in the words on the page.
Writing career documents is a learned skill – we aren’t born just ‘knowing’ how to do this.
Knowing your job inside out is important to do well in the work that you do, but being able to capture "you" in a career document is a whole other skillset. We can show you how to do this and we can do this for you. Here at Impressability, you are in charge of how we go about supporting you.
<Click on the questions below to reveal answers>
Why should I have my résumé professionally written?
How much should a professional résumé cost?
What sets Impressability apart?
Impressability is not a résumé writing company – we are a boutique career development business that focuses on supporting our clients throughout their careers.
Résumé and cover letter writing is a part of this service, as is career coaching, career counselling, training, workshops and outplacement support. With us, you will benefit from the counselling and coaching skills of our chief writer throughout the process. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their document is personalised and reflects their professional brand.
We offer a one-on-one session face-to-face, online via Zoom or over the phone, to unpack your skills, tools and achievements, and we coach you through the process to ensure we have all the information that we need to be able to proceed with your document. There are no online forms to fill out - this isn't a secretarial service.
We also offer unlimited editing rounds until the document is finalised – most résumé companies cap this at one or two. The drafting process is a collaborative one, to ensure that your voice is reflected within the words and the language use is an appropriate representation of you.
In addition to this, we offer ongoing email support in the event that you have any questions about your job search journey, so you know that you aren’t going it alone.
We are always here to edit your Impressability files down the track and support you (for a tailored, quoted fee) if you wish us to maintain your document for you and we can even apply for jobs on your behalf.

Zoë Wundenberg
BA(Hons) GradDip Careers Edu & Dev
Careers Writer, Counsellor & Coach

Our experience speaks for itself.
Our lead résumé writer, Zoë Wundenberg, is a degree qualified practitioner with a Graduate Diploma in Careers Education and Development from RMIT. She is also a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia and committed to helping her peers in the career development industry, having previously served CDAA as the editor of their Australian Career Practitioner magazine, published quarterly by the Association.
Zoë has developed extensive experience across the full scope of careers counselling, coaching and support for individual and corporate clients. She has worked with international celebrity athletes and CEOs of major companies, as well as 14yo kids looking for their first job and everyone in between. Zoë is adaptable, versatile and has strengths in understanding complex strategic experience, together with helping people who have been out of the workforce identify their skills and build their confidence in their job search.
When you call Impressability, you can rest assured that you are in excellent hands.
Engaging a professional résumé writer to put together your résumé is an investment in your future.
While we would caution you against looking at the lower end of the pricing scale, having a professional résumé written shouldn’t cost the earth.