Staff Separation
Redundancies, disciplinary termination, resignations - no matter the form it comes in, staff separation can bring challenges and external consultancy can help. We provide comprehensive services to support both the staff member leaving your ranks and those holding the fort, including career coaching/counselling, career transition (outplacement) support, and exit interviews.
How we can help:

Redundancy Support
If you are offering your staff the option to accept a redundancy, this can actually be a positive experience. However, if the redundancy is not a choice, the process can be challenging to say the least. Learning how to manage the heightened emotions of the day is key.
We can help you with planning redundancy meetings with staff and support both the manager and the leaving staff member/s on the day of meetings.

Disciplinary Termination
Disciplinary action is never an enjoyable experience for either party, but sometimes, you just come to the end of the road and you need to part ways.
Helping your manager/s handle the discussion with the staff member being terminated, ensuring that the conversation adheres to fair work obligations, and coaching the manager through the process can make the experience less stressful, for everyone.

When a staff member resigns, it can signal the end of a chapter of your business - particularly if the staff member resigning was an integral part of your team.
When, a staff member resigns unexpectedly, it can throw a bit of a spanner in the works. We can help you recover through supporting you to action exit interview issues identified, provide support to the remaining team, and jump on recruitment processes quickly.
Consultation Pricing Guide
We can customise our approach and provide a quote to meet your unique needs. As a general guide these are our standard price points:
60 Min Consultation
Face-to-Face / Zoom
90 Min Consultation
Face-to-Face / Zoom
120 Min Consultation
Face-to-Face / Zoom

Career Transition (Outplacement)
This is one of the most important elements of staff separation. Supporting your exiting staff member in their career development after redundancy or disciplinary termination is a way that you can provide support for their continued career.
This might involve coaching/counselling, a LinkedIn profile, resume/cover letter development, interview coaching, further education planning, or, if applicable, retirement planning. We can tailor a package to suit your staff member's needs and your budget - have a look at our Career Services pages for further information about what we can include in your tailored Career Transition Package.
Pricing Guide
Your approach to career transition support for your staff members can be completely tailored to suit your expectations and budget. Here are some examples of what we can do, but please note these prices are a starting point as the costs will depend on the employment level of the staff member (e.g. a team member level resume doesn't cost as much as executive level resumes, etc.).
There are no added fees for tailoring a unique package to suit your needs. The packages are priced to cover the inclusions and provide a bundle discount for purchasing the services together. So please don't hesitate in reaching out to see how we can best support your staff member through this process.
Yellow Ribbon Package
Cover Letter
1 x Interview Coaching Session
from $450
Red Ribbon Package
Cover Letter
1 x 60 min Career Coaching Session
1 x Interview Coaching Session
from $600
Blue Ribbon Package
Cover Letter
LinkedIn Profile
2 x 60 min Career Coaching Sessions
1 x Interview Coaching Session
from $850

Exit Interviews
Collaborating with you to understand the areas that you would like to focus on means that we can develop a tailored Exit Interview strategy focused on collecting key employee experience feedback that can shape future management and HR policies and practices.
We will sit down with your exiting staff member (either face-to-face or via an online platform such as Zoom) and work through the process, underpinned by a narrative counselling approach that ensures the staff member can achieve closure and you can gain insights into opportunities for improvement.
Pricing Guide
We can tailor the exit interview approach based on your unique needs and focus areas, so these options act only as a guide:
30 Min + Report
Bronze Package
60 Min + Report
Silver Package
120 Min + Report
Gold Package